Speaker: Shigenao Maruyama, Tohoku University, Japan
Time: 10:30-11:30am, Feb 25, 2011 (Friday)
Venue: F201, Mechanical Building A
Inviter: Prof. Yun LUO
A perpetual salt fountain can draw up deep sea water without any artificial energy source. This is one of the ideal ways to draw up deep sea water for nutrient enhancement application. A perpetual salt fountain experiment was carried out in 2000-2009. The estimated average velocity of the upwelling after 48 h from the start of the experiment was about 7 mm/s, and it continued for about 3 days. The flow rate with a single pipe was estimated as approximately 45m3/day. The amount of upwelled deep sea water by this single pipe seems too small to be of benefit, but we can easily increase the amount by deploying a number of pipes.
About the Speaker
Shigenao Maruyama(圆山重直)
Distinguished Professor,
Heat Transfer Control Laboratory, Advanced Flow Division
Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
Katahira 2-1-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
Phone & Fax: +81-22-217-5243
Academic Qualifications
B.Eng. 1977, Department of Mechanical Engineering II, Tohoku University, Japan
M.Sc. 1979, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College, London University, UK
M.Eng. 1980, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan
Dr. Eng. or PhD, 1983, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan
Professional Carriers
1983 Research Associate( faculty member), Institute of High Speed Mechanics, Tohoku University
1988 Visiting Scholar, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, USA
1989 Associate Professor, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
1997 Professor, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University.
2005-2006 Specially Appointed Assistant to the President, Tohoku University
2006-2009 Councilor, Tohoku University
2006-2008 Special Advisor to President, Tohoku University
2006-2011 Special Advisor for Centenary Events and Alumni, Tohoku University
2008- Distinguished Professor
2003-2008 Project Leader of 21st Century COE Program “International COE of Flow Dynamics”
2008-2012 Project Leader of Global COE Program, “World Center of Education and Research for Trans-disciplinary Flow Dynamics”
Activity of Academic Societies
AIAA Associate Fellow 1995-
JSME Fellow 2004-
The Engineering Academy of Japan, Member, 2005-
Assembly of the World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, member, 2005-
International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer, Scientific Council, Member, 2006-
Editor, Experimental Heat Transfer, an International Journal, 2005-
Editor, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopic and Radiative Transfer, 2004-
Editor, International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2008-
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
1999-2001 Chairman, Publishing Committee, Thermal Engineering Division
1993-1994 Secretary, Thermal Engineering Division
2002-2004 Editor of JSME International Journal
2004-2006 Councilor of JSME
2008-2009 Chairman, Awarding Committee, Thermal Engineering Division
2008-2009 Editor, Transactions of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Ser. B2
Heat Transfer Society of Japan
1998-2000 Vice Chairman of North-East Branch
1998-2000 Trustee
1998-2001 Chairman of International Exchange Committee
2001-2004 Chairman of International and Information Committee
2004-2006 Vice Chairman of North-East Branch
2002-2006 Editor of Thermal Science and Engineering
Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
1991-1993 Secretary, Northern Section
2008-2009 Chairman, Northern Section
JSME Award for Young Engineers, 1989
Award for Fluid Science, 1995
Heat Transfer Society of Japan, Award for Scientific Contribution, 1998
JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper, 1999
Award for Scientific Measurement, 1999
JSME Tohoku Division, Award for Technical Contribution, 2001
Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetic and Mechanics, Best Technical Contribution Award, 2001
JSME Thermal Engineering Division, Award for Academic Achievements, 2001
Heat Transfer Society of Japan, Award for Technical Contribution,2002
Societe Francaise de Themique, 2002 International SFT Award, 2002
JSME Thermal Engineering Division, Award for Contribution, 2003
JSME Fellow, 2004
Research Areas
Radiative Heat Transfer in Complicated Systems
Heat-transfer Control under Extreme Conditions
Heat-transfer Control of Biological Organs
He has been teaching “Thermodynamics” in under graduate course, “Thermal Science and Technology” and “Thermal Phenomena under Extreme Conditions” in post graduate course of Department of Engineering at Tohoku University. He has published more than 200 academic papers and contributed more than 10 books. He is listed in Who’s Who in the World since 1995, and Who’s Who in Science and Engineering. He is chairmen of six international conferences i.e. : International Forum on Heat Transfer(IFHT2004), The First, Second, Third and Fourth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, 2004, 2005, 2006, and The 6th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, 2005. He is also editors of international academic journals and international committee members.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai