Educational Background
2001-2006, Zhejiang University, PhD
1997-2001, Zhejiang University, Bachelor
Professional Experience
2016-present Professor, Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2014-2015 Visiting Scholar, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, USA
2009-2016 Associate Professor, Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2007-2008 Lecturer, Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2008.3-2008.7 Project Visiting Scholar, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland
2006-2007 Post Doctor, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, USA)
Visit and Post Experience
2014-2015 Visiting Scholar, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, USA
2006-2007 Post Doctor, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, USA)
Research Interests
Cryogenic thermal control and environment simulation;
Thermophysical properties of fluids and materials;
Efficient cryogenic preservation;
Cryogenic thermal insulation technology;
Cryogenic heat transfer and flow;
Liquid hydrogen storage and transfer;
Aerospace cryogenic technology;
Research Projects
2018 - present English Version NOT UPDATE
2017-2020 National Science Foundation of China project "Theoretical and experimental investigation on thermodynamic vent system for long term on-orbit storage of cryogenic propellants", Principal investigator
2016-2016 Research institute cooperation project "Measurement of liquid deuterium", Principal investigator
2016-2018 Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission project "Shanghai Cryogenic Technology and Service Center" (2nd phase), 2nd investigator
2014-2016 Industry project “Calculation and experimental study on liquid nitrogen flow dynamics in bellows for superconductor cables”, Principal investigator
2014-2016 Fundamental research project "Performance test of combined super insulation and thermodynamic vent system for cryogen storage", Principal investigator
2014-2015 Industry project "Development of a thermal environment for docking mechanism simulation", Principal investigator
2014-2015 Open Research Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Technologies in space cryogenic propellants “Evaporation and pressure control technology for long term cryogenic fluid storage” , Principal investigator
2013-2015 Shanghai Rising-Star Program project "Mass and heat transfer mechanism of heat pipes with carbon nanotube wikers", Principal investigator
2013-2015 Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission project "Shanghai Cryogenic Technology and Service Center", 2nd Principal Investigator
2013-2015 Sub-project of Major State Basic Research Development Program (973), “Large scale non-constant mixing flow interface formation”(2011CB706501, last 3 years), Principal Investigator
2013-2015 Open Research Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Technologies in space cryogenic propellants “Study on electrostatic accumulation in flowing liquid hydrogen in insulated transfer lines” , Principal investigator
2012-2015 National Science Foundation of China project "Theoretical and experimental studies on heat transfer and fluid dynamics mechanism in heat pipes wicked with carbon nanotubes", Principal investigator
2010-2011 Industry project “Experimental environment simulation system for motion test”, 2nd Principal Investigator
2010-2012 Sub-project of Major State Basic Research Development Program (973), “Large scale non-constant mixing flow interface formation”(2011CB706501, first 2 years), Principal Investigator
2010-2012 Shanghai space funding project “Investigation on cryogenic fluid storage on oribit", Principal Investigator
2010-2012 Bio-Engineering Cooperation project of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, “Fast cooling techlogy for germ cell with bio-safty considerations”, Principal Investigator
2009-2011 National Natural Science Foundation projects (NSFC) “Investigation of the transport properties of 3He and the thermodyanmic properties of 3He-4He mixture", Principal Investigator
2008-2010 Shanghai Pu Jiang Program “Thermophysical properties of 3He and the applications to cryocoolers”, Principal Investigator
2008-2010 Chenguang Program, Shanghai Education Development Foundation “Studies on thermodynamic propeties of 3He/4He mixtures”, Principal Investigator
2008-2011 Projects of Ministry of Education (Dotoral Foundation) “Performance of cryogenic regenerator with helium-3 as working substance”, Principal Investigator
2007-2009 Industry cooperation project "Thermophysical properties of components and mixtures in air", Principal Investigator
2008-2010 Shanghai Science and Technology Commission project “Shanghai Cryogenic Technology Service Center" (8M RMB), 2nd Principal Investigator
2008-2010 National Natural Science Foundation projects (NSFC)“Thermalphyiscal phenomenen and mechanism of LN2 flow and heat transfer in mini-channel", 2nd Principal Investigator
2007-2008 International Cooperation project "Cryogenic Ground Support Equipments (CGSE)for AMS-02" (45 M RMB), paticipant
2006-2007 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) funding project “4 K Regenerator Development and Improvements”, paticipant
Selected Publications
2018- present English Version NOT UPDATE
[35] Jain A., Miglani A., Huang Y., Weibel J.A., Garimella S.V. Ice formation modes during flow freezing in a small cylindrical channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 128: 836-848.
[34] Zuo Z., Jiang W., Huang Y(*). Effect of baffles on pressurization and thermal stratification in cryogenic tanks under micro-gravity. Cryogenics, 2018, 96: 116-124.
[33] Jiang W., Zuo Z., Huang Y(*). Coupling optimization of composite insulation and vapor-cooled shield for on-orbit cryogenic storage tank. Cryogenics, 2018, 96: 90-98.
[32] Huang Y.H.(*), Wang B., Chen Z.C., Sun P.J., Li P. Experimental evaluation of the performance of a thermodynamic vent system for a vapor-liquid storage tank with R141b as the testing fluid. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2018, 90: 83-90.
[31] Huang Y.(*), Chen Q., Wang R. Visualization study on capillary-spreading behavior of liquid droplet in vertically aligned carbon nanotube array. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 120: 1055-1064.
[31] Wang B., Huang Y.H.(*), Wu J.Y., Wang T.X., Lei G. Experimental study on pressure control of liquid nitrogen tank by thermodynamic vent system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 125: 1037-1046.
[31] Wang B., Huang Y.H.(*), Chen Z.C., Wu J.Y., Wang T.X., Lei G. Performance of thermodynamic vent system for cryogenic propellant storage using different control strategies. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 126: 100-107.
[30]. Huang Y.H.(*), Wang B., Zhou S.H., Wu J.Y., Lei G., Li P., Sun P.J. Modeling and experimental study on combination of foam and variable density multilayer insulation for cryogen storage. Energy, 2017, 123: 487-498.
[29]. Chen Q., Huang Y.(*) Scale Effects on Evaporative Heat Transfer in Carbon Nanotube Wick in Heat Pipes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 111: 852-859.
[28]. Huang Y.H.(*), Chen Q. A numerical model for transient simulation of porous wicked heat pipes by lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 105: 270-278.
[27]. Wang B., Huang Y.H.(*), Chen Z.C., Wu J.Y., Li P., Sun P.J. LH2 tank pressure control by thermodynamic vent system (TVS) at zero gravity. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), 2017, 171: 012041-012046.
[26]. Liu F., Zou S.-S., Zhu Y., Sun C., Liu Y.-F., Wang S.-S., Shi W.-B., Zhu J.-J., Huang Y.-H., Li Z. A novel micro-straw for cryopreservation of small number of human spermatozoon. Asian Journal of Andrology, 2017, 19: 326-329.
[25] Huang Y.H.*, Wang B., Cheng L., Wu J.Y., Wang R.Z. Cooling performance evaluation of a reverse application of a coaxial free-piston Stirling engine. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2016, 22(5): 556-564.
[24] Huang Y.H.*, Chen Q. Numerical investigation on thermal effects by adding thin compartmental plates into cooling enclosures with heatleaking walls. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2016, 17(6): 485-496.
[23] Chen Q., Huang Y.H.* Wetting behavior of patterned micro-pillar array predicted by an equivalent surface tension model. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(6): 2651-2657.
[22] Jain A., Huang Y.H., Weibel J.A., Garimella S.V. Visualization of Ice Formation Modes and Flow Blockage during Freezing of Water Flowing in a Microchannel. ASME 2016 Summer Heat Transfer Conference (HT2016). Washington, DC, USA; 2016:1-6.
[21].Wang B., Huang Y.H.*, Li P., Sun P., Chen Z., Wu J. Optimization of variable density multilayer insulation for cryogenic application and experimental validation. Cryogenics, 2016, 80: 154-163.
[20] Wang B., Huang Y.H.*, Chen Z.C., Wu J.Y., Li P., Sun P.J. Effect of pressure control range on the thermodynamic venting of liquid hydrogen in a tank at zero gravity 26th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference & International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2016. New Delhi, India; 2016.
[19].Huang Y.H. A deeper look into the thermodynamic perfection of the Debye equation of state for helium-3. Physics Procedia, 2015, 67: 581-590.
[18].Zhang X., Chen J., Yao L., Huang Y., Zhang X., Qiu L. Research and development of large-scale cryogenic air separation in China. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2014, 15(5): 309-322.
[17].Huang Y.H.*, Weng J.M., Liu J.Q. Experimental investigation on sub-milliKelvin temperature control at liquid hydrogen temperatures. Cryogenics, 2014, 61: 158-163.
[16].Chen Q., Huang Y.H.* A practical dimensionless equation for the thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes and CNT arrays. AIP Advances, 2014, 4: 057115.
[15].Huang Y.H.*, Yu Q., Chen Q., Wang R.Z. Viscosity of liquid and gaseous helium-3 from 3 mK to 500 K. Cryogenics, 2012, 52(10): 538-543.
[14]. Huang Y.H.*, Li J., Zhu H.W., Wu J.Y., Li P. Experimental optimization of variable density multilayer insulation at cryogenic temperatures. International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 24, May 2012. Fukuoka, Japan. (Invited Talk).
[13]. Huang Y.H.*, Fang L., Wang X.J., Wang R.Z., Xu L. Thermal conductivity of helium-3 between 3 mK and 300 K. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 2011, 57B: 1849-1856.
[12]. Huang Y. H.*, Fang L., Wang R.Z. Performance of cryogenic regenerator with 3He as working fluid. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(16): 1732–1738
[11]. Huang Y H.*, Chen G B, Wang R Z. Thermodynamic Diagrams of 3He from 0.2 to 300 K Based Upon Its Debye Fluid Equation of State. Int. J. ThermoPhys., 2010, 31(4-5): 774-783
[10]. Huang Y. H.*, Zhang P., Wang R. Z., Study on Surface Tension of Fluid Helium Three, Int. J. Thermophysics, 2008, 29:1321–1327
[09]. Huang Y. H.*, Wang R. Z., Zhang P., Radebaugh R. The thermal conductivity of liquid helium-3. International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 22. Seoul, Korea; 2008.
[08]. Huang Y. H., Chen G. B., Arp V. D. Equation of state for fluid helium-3 based on Debye phonon model. Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 88(9):091905.
[07]. Huang Y. H., Chen G. B. Melting-pressure and density equations of 3He at temperatures from 0.001 to 30 K. Phys. Rev. B, 2005, 72(18):184513.
[06]. Huang Y. H., Chen G. B., Arp V. D. Debye equation of state for fluid helium-3. J. Chem. Phys., 2006, 125(5):054505.
[05]. Huang Y. H., Chen G. B. A practical vapor pressure equation for helium-3 from 0.01 K to the critical point. Cryogenics, 2006, 46(12):833-839.
[04]. Huang Y. H., Chen G. B., Lai B. H., Wang S. Q. p - h and T - s diagrams of 3He from 0.2 K to 20 K. Cryogenics, 2005, 45:687-693.
[03]. Huang Y. H., Chen G. B., Wang S. Q., Arp V. D. Equation of state for normal liquid helium-3 from 0.1 K to 3.3157 K. J. Low Temp. Phys., 2006, 143(1/2):1-29.
[02]. Radebaugh R., Huang Y. H., O'Gallagher A., Gary J. Calculated Regenerator Performance at 4 K with Helium-4 and Helium-3. Adv. Cryo. Eng., 2008, 53:225-234.
[01]. Zhang P., Huang Y.H., Chen G.B. Helium-4, helium-3 and their applications. Book. National Defence Industry Press, 2006
2018- present English Version NOT UPDATE
1. Course Title: Engineering Thermodynamics II (in English), Students: 30~40 Pudure undergraduates from USA, Credit hour: 48, Credits: 3.0, 2010,2011,2012
2. Course Title: Engineering Thermodynamics I (in English), Students: 30~60 Undergraduates, Credit hour: 48, Credits: 3.0, Since 2008
3. Course Title: Principle and Application of Cryogenic Engineering, Students: 30-50 Undergraduates, Credit hour: 48, Credits: 3.0, 2012-2018
4. Course Title: Advances in Refrigerations and Air conditioning, Students:25 Graduates, Credit hour: 36 (3hr participated), Credits: 2.0, 2010, 2011
5. Course Title: Introduction to Superconductivity and Superfluid, Students: 20 undergraduates, Credit hour: 18 (participate 10 hrs), Credits: 1.0, 2009, 2010
Patents and Applications
2016-present English Version NOT UPDATE
1.Huang YH, Chen Q, Wei S. Superfluidhelium constant temperature bath device. Application No. CN201010195971.8, Authorized No. CN101856630B, Issued date: 2011.11.16.
2.Huang YH, Cheng L, Wu JY, et al. Vacuum glass high-low-temperature observation window device having temperature compensation function. Application No. CN 201410230673.6, Authorized No.CN103982115B, Issued date: 2015.9.1.
3.Huang YH, Fang L, Li J. Self-steering solar driven mechanical water pump device based on thermoacoustic effect. Application No. CN201110218603.5, Authorized No. CN102434423B, Issued date: 2014.4.26.
4.Huang YH, Wang SS, Wu Jingyi, et al. High and low temperature resistant video monitoring device. Application No. CN201110225019.2, Authorized No.CN102333186B, Issued date: 2013.02.08.
5.Huang YH, Wang SS, Xu L, et al. Integrated device for fumigating, freezing, storing and transporting gametes based on liquid nitrogen. Application No. CN201210058038.5, Authorized No. CN102616472B, Issued date: 2013.12.18.
6.Huang YH, Wang XJ, Wang RZ. Gas boosting recovery device based on active carbon adsorber. Application No. CN 201010245070.5, Authorized No. CN101907222B, Issued date: 2012.1.4.
7.Huang YH, Wang XJ, Wang RZ. Double effect device being capable of gas boosting, transferring and recycling. Application No. CN 201010195993.4, Authorized No. CN101865167B, Issued date: 2013.4.3.
8.Huang YH, Wu JY, Xu YX, et al. Liquid nitrogen and cold helium double media coupling heat sink for space environment simulation. Application No. CN 201310275441.8, Authorized No. CN103388948B, Issued date: 2015.10.14.
9.Huang YH, Yang SC, Cheng L, Wu JY. Simulation system for high-low-temperature environment of controlled flexible cavity body. Application No. CN 201310728470.5, Authorized No. CN103691500B, Issued date: 2015.08.12.
10.Huang YH, Yu Q, Weng JM. Device for measuring density of cryogenic fluid. Application No. CN 201210264938.5, Authorized No. CN102759492B, Issued date: 2014.4.16.
11.Huang YH, Zhu HW, Li J. Device for testing performance of low-temperature vacuum multilayer heat-insulation material based on thermal protection. Application No. CN 201210289132.1, Authorized No. CN102809581B, Issued date: 2014.7.23.
12.Wu JY, Huang YH, Wang SS, et al. High/low temperature space environment simulating container with high temperature change rate. Application No. CN 201210410285.7, Authorized No. CN102890006B, Issued date: 2015.9.30.
13.Wu JY, Xu YX, Huang YH, et al. Large high/low temperature incubator. Application No. CN201310531111.0, Authorized No. CN103556717B, Issued date: 2015.10.14.
14. Patent: He-3 thermophysical property calculator (He3PropCalc 1.0), Registration of Computer Software Copyright of China, 2010, No. 2010SR016351 (applied by NASA, NIST, AIST in Japan, IPN in France etc.)
Other Professional Activities
2018- present English Version NOT UPDATE
2018 Journal Cryogenics, Guest Editor
2015-Present Committe member of CSNA-NAC cryogenic fluid transfer technology Lab.
2011-Present Council member of Shanghai Society of Refrigeration
2008-Present Executing director of the Shanghai Cryogenic Technology and Service Center
2015-Present "Applied Thermal Engineering" Reviewer
2014-Present "International Journal of Multiphase Flow" Reviewer
2012-Present "HVAC&R Research" Reviewer
2010-Present "Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A" Reviewer
2009-Present "International Journal of Refirgeration", Reviewer
2007-Present "Energy Conversion and Management" Reviewer
2007-Present "Energy" Reviewer
2007-Present "International Journal of Thermophysics" Reviewer
2007-Present "Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer" Reviewer
2007-Present "Journal Physical and Chemical Reference Data" Reviewer
2007-Present "Chinese Science Bulletin" Reviewer
2006-Present "Cryogenics" Reviewer
Honors and Awards
2018- present English Version NOT UPDATE
2018 Candlelight Award of SJTU (1st prize)
2018 Shanghai teaching achievement prize (1st prize, rank 5)
2018 SJTU Tanglixin Outstanding Scholar
2018 Shanghai Jiao Tong University SMC Award for Professor (A)
2017 Outstanding Young Researcher by Chinese association of refrigeration
2017 The most popular teacher award by Mechanical Engineering School of SJTU
2016 Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress Award (1st prize, rank 3)
2016 18th National Patent Excellence Award (Rank 4)
2016 Teaching achievement award in SJTU-2016, (2nd prize, rank 4)
2016 First teaching competition for youth faculties in SJTU (2nd prize)
2014 National Award for Technological Invention 2nd Prize(5th contributor) "Key technologies and applications of cryogenic regenerative refrigeration"
2014 Gustav and Ingrid Klipping Award presented at International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC)
2013 Shanghai Rising-star award for young scientists
2013 Candlelight Award of SJTU (1st prize)
2011 Most popular teachers - English courses in ME, SJTU
2011 Excellent faculty of SJTU (2nd prize)
2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University outstanding class teacher
2009 Shanghai Jiao Tong University SMC Award
2008 Shanghai Pujiang Scholar
2008 Shanghai Chen-guang Scholar
2005 Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC, USA) Student Meritorious Paper Award